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Wounded Touch - "Americanxiety"

Genre : Chaotic hardcore, Metallic hardcore

Released : March 4th, 2022

Label : Smartpunk Records

FFO :, Converge, Knocked Loose, Methwitch

Man, sometimes it can feel tricky talking about extreme music without feeling like you're being over-the-top cliché or repeating yourself again and again...

But I fully mean it when I say that "Americanxiety" hits you with a sharp, vicious violence that is on par with its eye-catching artwork.

What a fucking debut, and what an introduction to the Michigan hardcore quintet who could already easily pass as being peers of big names of the genre.

The themes of social isolation and grief are vividly painted by a music that is as viscerally heartfelt as it can possibly get, intersected by various spoken word samples that create a sense of cohesive narrative and gritty atmosphere to the record.

I think the biggest takeaway for me from this album and what hooked my interest immediately, was how well vocalist Nick Holland's raw shrieking vocals not only live among the chaos but drive it, and how the merging of the instrumentals and vocals create this gnarly, dissonant, powerful man-made monster that just cannot be ignored and looks a lot like us.

Fans of visceral, dissonant hardcore with a bit of a grungy side to it as well, please don't miss out on this.

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