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Top Hardcore Albums of 2021

To be honest, I didn't really listen to that many full-on hxc records this year or most of them were either mixed with other sub-genres or were EP's.

So here are those that didn't really fit in any other categories but still deserved to be highlighted:

1). Every Time I Die - "Radical" :

By far one of the most exciting, fun and creative records on the hardcore side of the spectrum this year.

This thing is one massive riff-bomb packed with insane energy and tongue-in-cheek lyricism.

2). Portrayal Of Guilt - "Christfucker" :

Portrayal Of Guilt occupy a strange space in-between black metal and hardcore, and with this second full length of theirs this year, I felt like "Christfucker" leaned more into the hardcore side of their music while implementing some interesting dissonant experimentation and still carrying the cold bitterness of black metal into the energy of hardcore punk.

3). Youth Code & King Yosef- "A Skeleton Key In the Doors of Depression" :

A surprising collaboration that works wonderfully well and delivers some unforgivingly ear-scraping industrial hardcore.

4). Zao - "The Crimson Corridor" :

Multi-faceted and murky; this album feels like being dragged through an unending gloomy nightmare.

5). Mastiff - "Leave Me the Ashes of the Earth" :

In case you were (somehow) having a bit too much fun this year, Mastiff are here to remind you how miserable things really are with their bleak mixture of hardcore, sludge and doom.

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