Genre : Noise punk, Experimental hardcore, Shoegaze
Released : April 16th, 2021
Label : Sargent House
FFO : METZ, IDLES, Deafheaven

I had been hearing a lot about The Armed for the past year or so and only good things, especially regarding their live performances, so I was very curious and excited to dig into their newest material as a starting point for me within their music.
Going into this I didn't really know what to expect and somehow, this wasn't what I was expecting at all.
If I'm being honest, I almost flat out didn't like the album on my first listen.
I thought it was just a whole lot of extremely saturated and compressed to fuck shapeless noise with no real direction to it, that sounded like a crazier, more experimental IDLES but without the British sharp wit.
But for some reason I was still drawn to the album and every listen since then has made me appreciate it a lot more and embrace the band's artistical bias of layering a miriad of sounds to create this constant canvas of noise on which to paint on.
I'm still unsure whether I fully like the album, but I would be lying if I said some of these songs haven't been stuck in my head for the past few days, and it most certainly is an interesting approach to what extreme music can be.
The juxtaposition of the dreaminess of shoegaze and harshness and chaos of noise really creates a unique and extremely busy sound that is mercilessly driven by some amazing drum work.
I like to think good art is meant to challenge and provoke your understanding of it, and well, this is exactly what "Ultrapop" has done for me.