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Escaping Aghartha - "White-Nose Syndrome"

Genre : Drone, Ambient, Atmospheric black metal

Released : January 8th, 2021

Label : Self-release

FFO : Dead Melodies, SunnO))), Locrian

White Nose Syndrome is a thirty minute track of ambient droning guitar and synths with the occasional black metal vocals moving in and out of the track.

The title of this EP refers to a recently discovered disease that is decimating the North American population of bats and as a result, is causing really important negative effects on the biodiversity of that region.

For those unfamiliar, Escaping Aghartha incorporates an environmental theme to his music, drawing attention to very alarming things that are happening to our planet.

For instance, his previous work, "Oceanic Womb" focused on the many ways in which our oceans are being utterly abused (pollution, overfishing, coral bleaching, whale hunting..).

I really like this strong environmental connection with the music since it gives it both a unique sense of identity and also purpose since it is not used as just a gimmick but a genuine will to spread awareness about these important matters.

Now, I don't think I would come back to this EP all that much since I feel like drone isn't the kind of music you come back to for a casual listen here and there and that it rather requires to be in a specific mood or setting to truly enjoy it.

But that being said, I did enjoy listening to it and I'm sure that any fan of drone or atmospheric black metal would as well.

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