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Deftones - "Ohms"

Genre : Alternative metal, Shoegaze, Art rock

Label : Reprise Records

Release date : September 25th, 2020

FFO : Deftones

To be honest, I hadn't really been paying much attention to the development, teasing and promotion of this album, so when the single "Ohms" dropped, it kinda came out of nowhere for me and I just thought "Oh okay, new Deftones album this year, cool".

And so I went into this album with no expectations whatsoever, either good or bad.

Perhaps this is why I don't really get the negative response of some people who feel like their expectations for this album have been let down.

This is Deftones we're talking about, they've always occupied a peculiar space in heavy music and have a very unique identity to their sound, what else do people expect from them in 2020? To go full technical /prog? To bring back nu-metal elements like it's '95 all over again?

No, they stick to their trademark sound but keep things interesting by continously refining what they have already proven to be capable of and slightly add or remove elements here and there. And that's exactly what this album has to offer and for me personally, that's a great thing!

To see such a staple band like Deftones still being at the top of their game 25 years later and keeping things fresh and original while refining their craft and sticking to their recognizable sound is all a fan of this band could ask for.

One thing that kind of puzzles me is the number of people I've seen focusing on Frank Delgado's presence on this record, as though he is the band's latest addition to their lineup or something. Synths and ambiant electronics have been an integral part of the band's sound since "White Pony", twenty years ago and have been essential in creating the band's unique soundscape. That being said, the synths on "Ohms" do put a perhaps stronger than usual emphasis on atmosphere and sort of act as a golden thread throughout the record.

I've also seen a lot of people complain about the way the vocals have been mixed on this album, but I have to say that I personally really enjoy the dynamics they create in this record. They have a certain rawness to them that is reminiscent of "Adrenaline" or even "Around the Fur" contrasting with the band's contemporary 2020 sound.

I also felt like the clean vocals had a graceful frailty to them which really fits with the album's atmosphere and lyrical themes.

While we're still on the topic of vocals, I absolutely loved the vocal harmonies that are spread throughout this album.

Every time they would come up during my first listen I was just blown away by how amazing they sounded and how smoothly they fit into the song structures.

Deftones are known for their great use of contrasts and dynamics and this record is definitely no exception. Great examples of this can be found on tracks like "Urantia" in which the laid-back vocals are sung on top of urgent guitar work, same story with "Headless" and it's relaxed, confident-sounding vocals interplaying with the slow and heavy main riff, backed up by Abe Cunnigham's signature hip-hop groovy and sharp style of drumming.

The transition from the soothing outro of "Pompeji" into the more dynamic "This Link Is Dead" is also a really cool moment on this album.

Honestly I'm surprised at how much I've been listening to "Ohms" and how much I've enjoyed every listen.

There isn't a single throwaway track on here in my opinion, every song stands out and has its own personality and the album is filled with catchy guitar hooks and vocal melodies that just keep me coming back for more.

The only tooth I have to pick with it is the fact that although I now really like "Ohms" as a standalone track, it just feels weird as the album closer since it sounds so different from the rest of the tracks and has a completely different vibe.

However, from a lyrical standpoint, I understand the band's decision to keep it as the closer since it really has this idea of fatal finality to it.

Overall, to kind of sum up my thoughts and conclude this lengthy review :

I just think this album has a really cool sound and energy to it that has genuinely helped me pull myself together lately and I'm glad to see that Deftones are still writing and putting out great tunes and are keeping things ethereal, sexy and dynamic.


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