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Kilpréz - "Patron Saint of Lost Causes"

Genre : Prog metal, Mathcore, Sasscore

Released : August 27th, 2021

Label : Self-released

FFO : Between the Buried and Me, Stolas, The Sound That Ends Creation,

Exotic Animal Petting Zoo, The Fall of Troy

Picture early BTBAM's vicious melodic tech death style, the chaos and unpredictability of mathcore with the attitude of sasscore and the atmosphere of late 2000's post-hardcore all thrown into the same melting pot and you've pretty much got yourself Kilpréz.

Yet another ridiculously impressive solo project (this time hailing from Sweden) Kilpréz's debut "Patron Saint of Lost Causes" effortlessly darts between the aforementioned genres with a flooring display of technicality, especially in the guitars department, during its half hour of run-time.

The only downside I can find to this record is its production which doesn't always do justice to the vocals in my opinion. Which is a shame since, although the guitar work steals the spotlight, there are some very solid vocal performances on here, whether it is the sassy half-sung, half-spoken sections or the genuinely abrasive shrieks.

On the other hand, the production style gives the music this "old-school"/"underground" quality to it which I do find quite enjoyable since it pairs well with the genres that are tackled on this album while still having a contemporary mathcore edge here and there.

Overall, "Patron Saint of Lost Causes" is definitely a hidden gem of progressive technical music that begs to be listened to and is quite an awe-inspiring musical feat for a one-man band.

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