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30 Seconds GO!

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

Hey guys, congratulations on the recent release of your new EP “A Self Help Guide To Your Nervous Breakdown” and thank you for agreeing to answer a few of my questions!

I like using this as an opener for interviews so here goes :

What significance does your band name “30 Seconds Go!” hold to you?

Is it a reference to something, an inside joke, is there a story behind it..?

It is an inside joke.

When I (Bobby) was in high school I had a girlfriend, and her brother and I liked the same music.

We used to jam, he played guitar, and I played drums.

We wanted to make a Myspace, (remember that??) and needed pictures, so my girlfriend at the time brought a camera over when we were jamming and he asked her to take our pictures.

Her camera was dying, so she said to him we had to be quick for these pictures, so he got right in her face and yelled, "OK, 30 Seconds GO!".

I laughed so hard, and its been 13(?) years, and here we still are.

Also yes, he’s ok with the name useage. Love you Dan!

“A Self Help Guide To Your Nervous Breakdown” is your first release ever since your self-titled 2010 demo.

What compelled you guys to go back to making music as 30 Seconds Go! and how did it feel to be writing and performing this kind of music again after a decade-long hiatus?

Dalton (Vocals) and Bobby (Vocals & Synths) wanted to make music again, and after meeting Caleb (Guitar & Bass), and knowing Brandon (Drums) for so long, we just kind of started that process, and since we had the band name already, rolled with it, ya heard? It feel good dog.

On the new EP we can hear you finding a nice balance between crushing modernity and the nostalgia of that mid-to-late 2000’s “MySpace-core” sound.

What is so appealing about that sound in your opinion and why do you think bands such as yourself, WristMeetRazor, Gif From God and SeeYouSpaceCowboy are currently reviving it?

All of those kids when it was popular, are now adults and can function on their own.

Plus it grooves hard AF. You don't have to have a care in this style of music, just crank it up.

Irony and ridiculously long song titles and band names are a big part of the sub-genre’s aesthetic.

Why do you think that is and what are your thoughts on those stylistic traits?

To break the stigma of being so serious, just fucking rebel against the common metal player.

It make doodle sound, cool funny name, ha ha.

The single versions of “Mantis” and “Did You Remember Your Reusable Shopping Bags” sound quite different from what we can hear on the EP and the release got delayed along with a Sleepsculptor feature that got scratched.

Could you perhaps tell us more about what happened behind the scenes during the making of “A Self Help Guide To Your Nervous Breakdown”?

The singles had not been touched by Gerard at Sonder Audio yet, and with having to literally rebuild our studio from a water pipe mishap, and then a computer crash causing us to lose all of the mixing, it was like god or whoever you look up to, like Shaq, ya know... O'Neill??

It took us longer than an elephant carries in the womb to release this thing all mixed and mastered.

Hunter (Sleepsculptor) was busy?

Is “A Self Help Guide To Your Nervous Breakdown” a conceptual release?

If so, could you tell us more about it.

It started to be, but then wasn't... so no and yes.

It was just like at the time of writing, things weighing on our brains, but then we just said:

“I'd rather tell stories”.

It just worked out great that the stories fit in. So ... kinda it was... ish?

This one is for Caleb and Brandon specifically :

What is the biggest difference between playing/writing for 30 Seconds Go! and Serling?

They are both completely different processes.

With Serling, I, Caleb, have a foundation to work off of, and strict rules to obey.

With 30 Seconds GO!, I, Caleb, start with nothing, from the ground up, and any rules are completely tossed out the window, I can use and do basically anything I want.

Can we expect to see both projects sharing the bill for live shows one day?

Its very possible.

Now that you’re back to being an active band after so long, can we expect to see more material from 30 Seconds Go! in the future or was this just a one-off?

We just added a second guitarist, named Uncle Muscles, to help with writing, and live playing, and we are starting work from the ground up on a new release. So there is more!

Thank you for letting us do this, we appreciate you, will you marry us???

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these guys!

Take care!

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